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2006 50k Results

kyle skaggs 4:56:30
william emerson 5:20:13
rob lang 5:54:00
craig ralstin 5:59:00
brock gravery 5:59:00
brian morrison 6:20:21
scott mcCoubrey 6:23:55
adam gaston 6:23:57
garri gunn 6:23:57?
alison hanks 6:54:20
will minerack 6:56:00
mike keim 7:17:00
christel elliott 7:19:00
sally marcellus 7:19:30
shawn lawson 7:25:00
mark bodamer 7:25:01
iliana avila-campillo 7:27:00
van phan 7:44:00
michael o'grady 7:51:00
jim kopkowski 7:57:00
scott railton 8:16:00
glen mangiantini 8:19:00
arthur martineau 8:28:55