0.0 | camp moran |
0.1 | cross road |
0.3 | turn right onto road |
0.4 | at the end of road find trail behind campsite 17 and turn left not straight |
0.5 | turn left not right |
1.1 | continue stright not left |
1.3 | turn right onto road, cross bridge and immeadiately after turn left onto trail |
1.4 | turn right towards cascaade falls not striaght |
1.5 | turn right above falls |
1.8 | turn right onto road |
2.0 | turn left onto trail |
2.7 | at dam bridge turn left |
3.3 | turn right onto road |
3.4 | turn left onto trail |
4.5 | turn right |
5.4 | continue striaght not left |
6.4 | mt constitution aid station #1 |
7.6 | turn left |
9.5 | continue straight not left or right |
10.5 | turn right towards cascade lake |
12.8 | cross road and follow trail to the right and around cascade lake |
13.1 | continue straight not right |
13.3 | stright/right away from lake not right bridge is still out. |
13.6 | straight not left |
13.7 | turn left at trail head keep looking on left for trail on the other side of the lagoon |
14.2 | turn right not left |
14.8 | in campgroung get onto road |
14.9 | turn left onto trail |
15.1 | cross road |
15.2 | finish at camp moran |
25k Route Description